Monday, October 11, 2010

Support YFC/Youth Unlimited in Waterdown

Hey guys, from time to time I'm going to devote this space to a good cause. This time out it's YFC/Youth Unlimited, an organisation that works with students in the local high school (in this case Waterdown District High School and the Waterodown community). I've known Marcel for almost ten years; he's a great friend, and a wicked drummer (and everyone knows I'm super picky about drummers!)

A big part of of his outreach is the music studio run out of the basement at his home which also doubles as the Ministry Centre for YFC...until the Waterdown Youth Centre is built. This grant would go a long way to helping establish this centre.

Please register, and vote once a day...and otherwise, please consider donating to the cause, thanks!

Hello all,

Waterdown YFC Youth Unlimited has just submitted an application to the Aviva Community Fund, a competition that makes funds available of up to $1,000,000 to create positive change in communities across Canada. If our application receives enough votes, it could share in that prize as much as $100,000 which we could use toward the ministry Youth Centre. We would really appreciate your vote.

1. Each person is allowed 10 votes per round

2. You can only vote once per day per idea submitted (please start today).

3. you will need to register your name and email address the first time only.

4. please click on the link below and vote each day to show your support of upto $100,000 being given to the Waterdown YFC Youth Centre.

5. Please pass this to all your friends and have them vote for us, the most votes wins.

Please vote for my idea at,0

Share this email with your friends or anyone else you know who might want to help bring my idea to life.

Thanks in advance,

Arlene Reemeyer-Nagy

Waterdown YFC/Youth Unlimited

Satellite Director

Marcel Knot

Campus Life Director

YFC/Youth Unlimited - Waterdown


we see the hope and potential in every young person

"We see the hope and potential in every young person"


I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid. John 14:27 NLT

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