Sunday, October 31, 2010
10 Apps Every Gigging Urban Musician should have! PT.1
Monday, October 11, 2010
Support YFC/Youth Unlimited in Waterdown
Hello all,
Waterdown YFC Youth Unlimited has just submitted an application to the Aviva Community Fund, a competition that makes funds available of up to $1,000,000 to create positive change in communities across Canada. If our application receives enough votes, it could share in that prize as much as $100,000 which we could use toward the ministry Youth Centre. We would really appreciate your vote.
1. Each person is allowed 10 votes per round
2. You can only vote once per day per idea submitted (please start today).
3. you will need to register your name and email address the first time only.
4. please click on the link below and vote each day to show your support of upto $100,000 being given to the Waterdown YFC Youth Centre.
5. Please pass this to all your friends and have them vote for us, the most votes wins.
Please vote for my idea at,0
Share this email with your friends or anyone else you know who might want to help bring my idea to life.
Thanks in advance,
Arlene Reemeyer-Nagy
Waterdown YFC/Youth Unlimited
Satellite Director
Marcel Knot
Campus Life Director
YFC/Youth Unlimited - Waterdown
we see the hope and potential in every young person
"We see the hope and potential in every young person"
I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid. —John 14:27 NLT
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Brooke Nicholls and da Boyz at the Rivoli this Saturday night!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
What's new...
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Long overdue update...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Wyre's Strings, Katelyn Dawn EP, Auditions...
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
G.A.S. has reared it's ugly head...
Yeh, so I did a session week before last with Katelyn Dawn for her new E.P. ...pretty cool tunes, be sure to check it when it comes out! A couple of tunes needed something a my good buddy Free from Forevertree lent me one of his axes, a Dean 6 string fretless with a an EMG45HZ in the neck spot, and a Seymour Duncan "Basslines" pickup at the bridge. I think the song and a half I used it on (one song has it all the way through, the other I played the chorus and bridge with my MTD Kingston Z5, the verses and the intro and outro were fretless...)
It really made a difference, thanks Free (AKA Geoff Breen!) I had a fretless previously, but I sold it along with some other axes to make room for my MTD Kingstons, of which i now have three...the pre-production rehearsals (glad we did those) and the session (nailed everything first take, just had to do some punchins on the fretless parts) made me realize it may be a good idea to have a fretless about on the regular...while I appreciate the 6 and I'll play it as long as I'm allowed, my fingers ain't long enough to really do it justice...reading up on Andrew Gouche's philosophy I flirted with the idea of a fretted six for a bit...but it just isn't ergonomically feasible (besides, you've probably heard the old saw: "what do you call a 6 string bass player? You don't...well, I guess you do if it's Gouche!!!)
So, I'm in the market for a 5 string fretless. The buyer of my old fretless bass, which indeed is a fine bass and modded with active electronics, has offerred to sell it back to me...however, I find that I'm spoiled by the assymetrical necks on my 'Kingstons(the ergonomic thing again! ). So I've politely declined and started looking'll be awhile before I actually pull the trigger, but I figure I should do the research now rather than last minute!
So I was looking at a fretless MTD Kingston Z5 in Natural Finish at The Perfect Bass (was gonna post the pic, I'm sure James would be cool with it, but thought I better hold off on that for now...if he's cool with it, I'll edit it in later!)
Then though, I heard about the MTD Kingston Saratoga coming out of NAMM...I was super stoked...I had wanted to get one of the MTD J5s (Norm Stockton has number two, the model was later changed to Saratoga 5), but the price would have had me sleeping on the couch or in the car per Ms. Groove! So, here was a chance to get a Saratoga, and (hopefully!) still get tosleep in my nice, warm, quilt top mattressed bed!
The only things that gave me pause was the 34" scale. and the passive electronics...I haven't played a passive axe in over 20 years! Also, I'm pretty used to the 35" scale on my three current basses...going back and forth may not be so cool, y'know?
So I contacted the man himself to see what he his usual fashion, Mike Tobias was only too gracious and kind enough to take the time to respond to my question: Can you give me an idea of what I could expect tonally from the basswood used in the Saratoga vs. the mahogany/burled maple top in the Z5?
His reply: "The basswood will have a warmer smoother bottom end. The mahogany will have more mid range and a bit more focus on the bottom end."
Thanks Mike!
Still not quite sure...the Saratoga will be at a better price point (which Ms. Groove will appreciate!), but is it the right axe for me? No, don't suggest it...I did consider getting both, but I don't do enough fretless work to justify it...though if that changes, well, yeh sure I will! The goal is to pick the right axe to compliment my two ZXs and my Z5...
...aesthetically, the natural gloss Z5 will be a reverse mirror image of my ZX #26; an translucent black 'Saratoga would be a dark fraternal twin to ZX #31...but the sounds...and Long & McQuade doesn't carry MTDs currently, so I can't try before I buy...I gotta pick right and then live with it... do YOU think? Aesthetics? Sound? Pricing? Give me your thoughts on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, or respond here in the comments section, or send me an e-mail...even if you're not a musician, give me your opinion please!
Rev. Groove
(P.S.)Working on a new long term business venture...details to follow soon!
Now playing: Jarvis Church - Who Will Be Your Man
via FoxyTunes
Friday, February 12, 2010
Just a quick update...
...working on pre-production for Katelyn Dawn's next EP, it's going to be pretty cool! Lot's of great players on this one, John House (percussion) and Adam Mainse (keys/piano) from the Heaven's Rehearsal Band, Josh Harris (drums) from the Trevor Howard Band (and tons of other great projects!), as well as Katelyn on acoustic guitar and vocals, and "Deadly" Tom Hamilton on lead guitar. I'm just playing bass on this one, it's being recorded and engineered at Brilliant Red Studios by Colin Lindgren and Rob Weaver, should be awesome! Contact Katelyn at (check out her YouTube channel as well!
Our MLM system, is growing steadily still...I'm now helping out with Communications and Public Relations so Ms. Groove can concentrate more on systems and generating more revenue streams. It's never too late to sign up, check it!
Working on set lists for different artists for live shows. Send me your set list, I'll learn it, and be ready to sub in on a gig or play that last minute show! Subbing in for regular bass players in their band is now by bread and butter as far as gigs go, so the increased time I have from not doing a steady gig is going into working on Norm Stockton's "Grooving for Heaven" DVD series (still dreaming of's Bass Professional Certificate Program) and learning (quite literally!) HUNDREDS of songs! Thankfully, there's some overlap! So if you need a sub, call me! Also, if you're looking for a band to do a show or play an event, I can hook that up, so reach out and hit the digits! (905-320-3593)
Last note...I'm working on a recording studio venture with a very good...I'd say possibly my best/like a brother...friend...details to come in the coming weeks as we firm up the details, but I'm very excited about doing this! I'll definitely keep you posted on that, but expect killer gear, killer production values, and awesome rates!
Okay, back to learning tunes...peace!
The Rev