Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Meaning of Life is ____________________

Happy New Year! 

It's been another minute, but you will hear from me more this year, I promise! This first blog though, please welcome guest blogger, friend, co-worker, and fellow musical artist extraordinaire Bianca Bernardi! I saw her NY post and she graciously allowed me to re-post it here-

               The meaning of life is ____________________.

With the beginning of a new year, many of us take the time to ponder this question. What is the meaning of our life? What is our main purpose here? The joy of January 1st is that we have the socially accepted opportunity to start fresh - to simply scratch everything that we have done in the past and begin again. Henry Ward Beecher said, “Every man should be born again on the first day of January. Start with a fresh page.”. 
So here is my challenge to you… Figure out what the meaning of your life is. At least the one you are currently living. At this moment, what is the meaning of YOUR life?Instead of setting all of these limitations for yourself on what you cannot/allegedly “shouldn’t” do this year (eat chocolate, swear, watch marathons of Say Yes To The Dress etc.), take January 1st as a chance to do some self-reflecting in a positive manor. 
Instead of saying “no, no, no”, say, “what, what, what”. As in what do I want to accomplish this year? Or what do I feel are my best personality traits and how can I utilize them to grow and develop further this year? Or better yet, what is the meaning of my life and why? 
Take this wonderful gift of a new start and do the best you can to make yourself the happiest you have ever been. Remember that life is truly a beautiful gift and should be enjoyed every single moment of every single day EVERY single year. 
Be happy - you were made to be. Love and Happy New Beginning. Xo
“Don’t look further for answers: be the solution. You were born with everything you need to know. Make a promise to stop getting in the way of the blessing that you are. Take a deep breath, remember to have fun, and begin.” 
-Jonathan H. Ellerby

Thanks B! You can check out Bianca at her YouTube Channel or like her Facebook Fan Page!

I'll be back SOON! Blessing's on all y'all!


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