Wednesday, July 8, 2009


If you've been following my Twitter and my Facebook lately, you'll know that I'm having some issues regarding resolution of my iPhone order from my wireless provider...well, there's only one WSP that works with an iPhone in Canada, so I may as well go ahead and say it's Rogers...and I still think they're the best WSP in Canada, and we will get past this issue and go on to have a great relationship again... doesn't help that Mrs. Groove has had her phone for over a week and is thoroughly loving it...calls it at first the best anniversary present I ever got her, and then the best present I've EVER gotten her! She's constantly showing me the new discoveries she's making with her phone...which irks me even more as I await resolution regarding mine! This has prompted feelings of what my friend Geoff has termed iJealousy...

...aka iEnvy and iCovetousness...jealousy is one of the 7 deadly sins, so you could come up with the 7 Deadly iSins:

  1. iExtravegance
  2. iLust
  3. iGluttony
  4. iGreed
  5. iSloth (laziness for you non english lit nerds)
  6. iWrath
  7. iPride
I was trying to come up with 10 i-Commandments, but it after no i-Dolls, it seemed pretty sacrilious to this boy who's a Holiness PK (sort of). I mean 6 through 10 are pretty easy though

  • Thou shalt not iKill
  • Thou shalt not iFornicate
  • Thou shalt not iSteal
  • Thou shalt not iLie
  • Thou shalt not iCovet
I suppose I'm also guilty of iWrath, or iAnger...I'm definitely not happy so far that there doesn't seem to be a resolution in site...wrong phone was returned (just checked the UPS tracker, it was picked up and is on it's way, whew!) I decided not to make any more calls today, getting some good advice from people, both customers that have had not so great experiences as well as others in the customer service industry...we'll see what happens next, I may call again tmo...or not...but I needed to just chill for a bit, and was joking around with some friends tonite, and came up with the above..., I will pray for forgiveness of my iSins, and that my iEnvy and iWrath be turned to iJoy (or some semblence thereof, an iPhone can't really bring true joy despite Mrs. Groove's and other's protestations to the contrary) when the right phone the right for a full blog with the entire experience soon, I'm taking detailed notes now...

Now playing: Michael Jackson - Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
via FoxyTunes

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