Friday, June 26, 2009

It's going to be a boring and interesting summer

So...still no gigs booked yet for the summer months. Schedule wise, it just didn't work out for some stuff, so I'm sitting around twiddling my thumbs...the idea then with the down time is to work on boning up on theory so I'm not completely lost when I start the Bass Specialist program next spring through

Yeh...let me tell you, I'm REGRETTING skipping out on some grade 11 and 12 music classes, and on not retaining what Dave taught me when I took guitar at The 12th Fret on Danforth in TO. Theory is HARD! And it'd harder when you get older, almost like learning a much easier when you're younger, can't quite get it the older you get...(note to self, get the kids into formal music training NOW!). It is mind numbing. Using the Hal Leonard Bass Theory supplement to start, and it warns you in the intro..."you may close this book in frustation..." or words to that ain't kidding! How encouraging Scott! Thanks, thanks so much...but it's one of my goals, I want to do it, so I have to suck it up, take three hours three days a week, and just DO IT!

And of course, G.A.S. has reared it's ugly head. There's an MTD ZX, the numbering on that one is also screwed up (#31 of 30, what???), that would be a perfect addition to my stable. But I have no gigs, and students taking the summer months off, so that equals no cashola to cover it...PLUS there's a Roland Keyboard I've been hunting for for a couple of years...discontinued, over priced new, but at less than half the original retail is a bargain...MUST have it, will give up my Alesis QS 8 for it, even though I'll take a bath on that...but again, the difference...agghhhh!!! Have to maintain my rentals and the last bit of my account as it's going to be tough...but again, if you want something...

...but let me tell you though, about the adventures of the van, or, how to write off a van without a collision?

So, out with my friend Hank last Saturday morning, and the subframe on the front end of our 2001 Ford Windstar just SNAPS! Passenger side wheel pops off the transmission as well...NO COLLISION! It'll cost $1600 to fix...and book value is $189-$, unless I can get Ford to step up, and all indications are that they won't, the van is a write we're back to the 5 seater Grand Am for a family of 6 for the summer, maybe longer...whoa, is that MORE financial strain I'm feeling?

But hey, not as bad as last year...last year, I ended up with two mortgages and a condo THAT'S financial strain! Here's a hint folks...sell before you buy! God is good, and we got through it, but I wouldn't wish THAT stress on ANYONE!

So, theory...creeping for new gigs, new students...trying to work out the vehicle the title sez, a boring and interesting summer! I'll keep you posted!


I was saddened to hear of the losses of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson yesterday. Farrah, while not an influence was definitely admired by myself and my classmates as a youngster back in the late 70's/early 80's...she was not only a beautiful woman but a great actress and will be greatly missed.

Michael Jackson, no matter what, was a great influence on me musically, and his contributions to the industry are undeniable. It irks me that people are using his passing as an excuse to bring up his personal tragedies an problems. This is a time to celebrate the positive aspects of Michael Jackson's life, not dwell on the negative! The music biz is a sadder, smaller place for his passing, and our thoughts and sympathies are with his family during this time...he also will be greatly missed.

Now playing: Kirk Franklin - Blessing In The Storm
via FoxyTunes

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