Sunday, January 25, 2009

G.A.S. vs. S.A.F.

Well, there's different meanings for "gas". Gas makes your car go. Gas comes out of know...

...but the G.A.S I'm referring to, stands for "Gear Acquisition Syndrome." You see, as musicians, we're always looking for the perfect set up, that one piece of gear, the Holy Grail if you will that would fix our tone and make us the next super star.

The simple truth is, there's no quick cure for G.A.S. Well, I guess that's not true. The surest fix for it is what was formerly referred to as W.A.F. Wife Approval Factor was harder to gain depending on A.) when you last acquired something for your wife and/or the household b.) when you last gave in to a bout of G.A.S. yourself and most importantly C.) the cost of the cure to your current G.A.S.

W.A.F however was deemed to be politically incorrect...there are a lot of excellent, skilled bass players out there of the female type including but not limited to Lizzy Damont, Amanda Ruzza, Esperanza Spalding, Tal Wilkenfield, Jennifer Arroyo, Melissa Auf der Maur and others (google them if you don't know who they are!) So W.A.F. became S.A.F...same thing, just using Spouse instead of Wife in recoginition of a HUSBAND'S possible objection to G.A.S.

So what is the best way to control your G.A.S.? Other then quitting music that is. Well, get a job at a top music chain...well, scratch that, that just gives me MORE gas. The staff discount does help with the pocketbook, however. Well, I do advise working within the S.A.F. It's personally stopped me from giving in to G.A.S. and regretting it later...yes giving in to G.A.S. can cause you to have regret!!!

Like the time I HAD to have that certain effects pedal. When I figured out that it wasn't the right one, I ended up losing money on it, money I could have spent on the RIGHT pedal! G.A.S. has ruined the finances of my job, I've seen it happen to many a good musician who just couldn't control their G.A.S.

So step one, is to calmly do your product research. Find out what the gear is supposed to do, and be absolutely certain that it's the right product for your needs. As part of your research, there's a mantra we use at that sez "try before you buy!" Wise words. If possible/feasible, try the gear with your own equipment, or with as close to your rig as you're able to before committing to a purchase or trade in order to satisfy your lust (which is what G.A.S. really is when you get right down to it...lust for gear...maybe we should change it to LFG...)

Then, once you're sure, gauge the S.A.F. Be it from the girlfriend or the spouse...a GF's opinion will likely be less important than a spouse's, but you should still check in nonetheless. If you're single...and you have the disposeable income...then get it while you're still single!

Okay, if the S.A.F. is good and you get the green light, and you can manage to pay for that Holy Grail of equipment...go for it!

Just remember...the grass is always greener...G.A.S. is usually cured only temporarily, and then the next piece of gear comes along! But with the help of my lovely wife (the S.A.F. in my house hold), my personal G.A.S. is held at bay for long, long periods of time!

Any other tips on controlling G.A.S.? Feel free to post comments

P.S. to help fund my now (IMO) infrequent bouts of G.A.S. my wife has taken over marketing of the revgroove brand, and has started a some online ventures. Please feel free to click on the links to the right, cheers!

Now playing: Janet Jackson - Go Deep
via FoxyTunes

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